Correct it, Perfect it!
“When you stand for Prayer say Takbir and then recite from the Holy Qur’an (of what you know by heart) and then bow till you feel at ease. Then raise your head and stand up straight, then prostrate till you feel at ease during your prostration, then sit with calmness till you feel at ease (do not hurry) and do the same in all your prayers. [Bukhari]
Let’s make the niyah of perfecting our Salah before Ramadan, to fully benefit from our communication with the Almighty during the month of mercy & beyond.
Mar 22-31, 2021 | Mon & Wed | 3.30 – 5 PM
Al-Aaizah Online only | Live & Recorded
?Types of impurities of body & soul
?Rulings on taharah, wudhu & ghusl
?Importance of fiqh of Salah
?Preconditions and timings of Salah
?Arkaan, wajibat, sunnah of Salah
?Factors which make Salah null and void
?Sajda e Sahv & Sajda e Tilawat
?Salah jamaat for women
?Tips for postures during Salah
& much more to help you perfect your Salah
Live Q&A session
Ask all your Salah related questions.
Meet the Speaker:
Misbah Anwar
Alimah, graduated from Al-Aaizah
Faculty member at Al-Aaizah,
Currently enrolled in the Ifta fil Fiqh program (the postgraduate study of islamic law and jurisprudence) at Al-Aaizah
Associates in Psychology, Harold Washington College, Chicago
? To register: Whatsapp +92-334-3093294