The ilm of our deen is a blessing and its benefit and magnitude depends on how much the student of knowledge is able to value it. This talk defines the three ways in which the student can instill in himself/herself the true value of this ilm and benefit from its rehmat and its many barakahs and blessings. Extremely important advice to students and those considering to be students of ilm of deen at any level.

About the speaker:

Shaykh Azhar Iqbal was born and raised in Karachi and travelled to the United States for his undergraduate studies. He holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania and did his graduate studies in Economics at New York University prior to returning to Pakistan to pursue his study of the Islamic sciences where he became an alim with the 8 year alimiyya degree from Wifaq ul Madaris Al-Arabia Pakistan. Since his return to Karachi, Shaykh Azhar has been involved in different dawa activities and has established institutions of islamic learning for both men and women.
